Meditation practice has beneficial effects on physical and mental health, and barriers to regular practice have been recognized. The Determinants of Meditation Practice Inventory (DMPI) was developed and recently revised (DMPI-R). DMPI-R is a 12-item self-report instrument encompassing four dimensions: low perceived benefit, perceived inadequate knowledge, perceived pragmatic barriers, and perceived socio-cultural conflict. The current study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties and factor structure of the European Portuguese version of the DMPI-R in a general population Portuguese sample (non-meditators).
A sample comprising 154 participants completed a set of self-report measures online. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and parallel analyses were conducted to decide on the number of factors. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was computed in an independent sample (N = 229). Three models were tested and compared. Reliability and validity were analyzed.
The EFA and parallel analysis revealed a four-factor structure. The three models tested showed a good fit to the data. Models’ comparison pointed that the four-factor model, excluding item 10, was the one with the lower Expected Cross-Validation Index. The DMPI-R factors revealed adequate reliability and test–retest stability. The DMPI-R showed correlations with experiential avoidance and perspectives on meditation. No significant differences were found between men and women on the DMPI-R four factors. No significant associations with age and years of education were found.
The European Portuguese version of DMPI-R is a reliable and valid self-report instrument to assess perceived barriers to meditation, contributing to expand research and support meditation instructors in improving meditation programs.