Cognitive-behavioral interventions applied in organizations have evolved from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), especially rational emotive and cognitive behavioral therapy (RE & CBT) since the ‘70s, following the expansion of the coaching field. Dominic DiMattia brought the very first contributions to these developments, both at the theoretical and empirical level. In this interview, Dominic DiMattia talks about how he worked with Albert Ellis to develop the extensions of RE & CBT in the organizational field, and expands into the theories that have influenced his work. He clarifies essential concepts in the field of cognitive-behavioral coaching (CBC), often misunderstood, like rational organizations and rational leadership. Dominic DiMattia highlights the elements that make RE & CBT an inspiration for coaching in organizations, and the strategies and methods that are best fitted for coaching. Given the mixed picture on credentials needed to practice coaching, Dominic DiMattia underlies the skills that professionals need to prove in order to practice CBC. In the end, we discuss about the future of the field, the scientific approach to coaching and the importance of adopting an evidence-based perspective to practicing coaching.