The factor structure, reliability, and concurrent, convergent, and incremental validity were tested for a new theoretically informed measure of couple relationship mindfulness, the Mindfulness in Couple Relationships Scale (MCRS).
The analytic (training) sample included 408 (independent) adult men and women, and the cross-validation (test) sample included 368 adults who responded to 52 survey items as part of a measurement development study conducted within the context of a relationship education evaluation. Both samples were racially, economically, and relationally diverse.
Confirmatory factor analyses of individual measurement models in the training sample informed the refinement of a 31-item, eight-factor measure. The full measurement model had good fit and reliability. Cross-validation in the test sample provided further evidence of validity and reliability. Support for concurrent validity was evidenced by significant associations between the MCRS and couple quality, relationship positivity, relationship negativity, and sexual satisfaction. Support for convergent validity was evidenced by significant associations between the MCRS and the abbreviated Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ). Finally, regression models indicated support for incremental validity over and above the influence of the abbreviated FFMQ (i.e., a measure of individual mindfulness) in predicting relationship well-being.
This measure provides an efficient and multi-dimensional assessment of mindfulness in the context of couple relationships and may prove useful, whether using the total scale or subscales of the measure, in future research and in practice.