Theory of planned of behavior (TPB) constructs have been linked to health behavior intentions. Intentions to try mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), a first-line therapy for chronic low back pain (cLBP), have been less studied. This study aimed to identify which TPB constructs could inform strategies to improve adoption of MBSR.
People with cLBP (n = 457) read a description of MBSR then completed survey items assessing TPB constructs: attitudes, norms, self-efficacy, perceived control, and intentions to try MBSR training.
Structural equation modeling showed self-efficacy/control (coefficient: 0.564), norms (0.245), and attitudes (0.131) were all positively associated with intentions to try mindfulness trainings.
Results suggest self-efficacy/control may be the most strongly related TPB construct with intentions to try MBSR. Dissemination of MBSR for cLBP could focus on adapting the intervention to increase accessibility and improving available resources to overcome logistical barriers (online formats, drop-in classes).