Family accommodation (FA) has been shown to relate to poorer treatment outcomes in pediatric obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), yet few studies have examined the trajectory of change in FA throughout treatment and its relation to treatment outcomes. This study examined change in FA in relation to change in symptom severity and impairment in 63 youth receiving a family-based intervention for early-onset OCD. FA, symptom severity and functional impairment were assessed at baseline, week 5, week 9, and post-treatment (week 14). Results suggested that changes in FA in the beginning stages of treatment preceded global symptom improvement (but not OCD specific improvement) whereas changes in functional impairment preceded changes in FA. In the latter half of treatment, changes in FA preceded improvement in global and OCD specific symptom severity as well as functional impairment. These findings highlight the importance of reducing FA, especially in the later stages of treatment, in order to optimize treatment outcomes in early-onset OCD.