The Conners’ Continuous Performance Test – Second Edition (CPT-II) has demonstrated utility as a performance validity test (PVT). Early research also identified several benefits of repeat administration. This study was designed to evaluate the potential of repeat administrations of the CPT-II to enhance its clinical utility in detecting ADHD or non-credible responding. Data were collected from a consecutive case sequence of 100 patients (MAge = 41.5; MEducation = 13.8) referred for neuropsychological assessment. Performance validity was psychometrically defined using a combination of free-standing and embedded PVTs. The CPT-II was administered twice to all patients: once in the morning and once at the end of the testing appointment. Data supported previously identified validity cutoffs for the CPT-II, with the notable exception of Commission errors. Patients with ADHD were less likely to fail validity cutoffs than those without ADHD, suggesting that ADHD alone does not explain failure on PVTs. At Time 1, the CPT-II was insensitive to a clinical diagnosis of ADHD; at Time 2, only one significant contrast emerged. Self-report measures more effectively differentiated between patients with and without ADHD. Test-retest reliability was generally higher in patients with valid performance (0.33-0.83) compared to those with invalid performance (0.38-0.77), with notable variation across scales. Two sets of CPT-II scores increased confidence in the ADHD diagnosis and the remainder of the neurocognitive profile. The CPT-II is self-administered and automatically scored, making routine double administration more practical than might first be thought.