Towards a new system of costs reimbursement in Dutch long-term care facilities: a confidence-building development? Against the background of an increasingly ageing society, the Dutch government is redefining its role with regard to providing and financing care for the elderly. This results in restricting the benefits of the Exceptional Medical Expenses Act (AWBZ) to the care for severely dependent elderly – especially old people with dementia – who are in need of long term care that cannot be ensured on the market. In accordance with this policy, geriatric rehabilitation and (medical) care aimed at recovery will be transferred to the basic health insurance. One of the steps towards this restricted coverage of the AWBZ is the introduction of a new, but questionable method of costs reimbursement. Not only does this method lack transparency, it also entails the use of time-consuming, inefficient and bureaucratic questionnaires with a doubtful reliability. The question is raised whether this procedure is a right and trustworthy step to ensure the quality of care for dependent elderly.