The current study employs a qualitative approach to uncover the perceptions of Iranian adolescents regarding their bodies, with a focus on the psychological components that contribute to their body image perceptions. Data collection conducted using 13 semi-structured focus group discussions with 42 girls and 42 boys (15–18 years). All focus group discussions were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data analysis was done manually using constant comparative analysis according to the Strauss and Corbin analysis method. Based on the participants’ statements, four main themes and related categories emerged from data: (1) Beliefs including uncontrollable body, biased opinion of those around, priority of health, spiritual/religious beliefs and affecting future success, (2) Body-evaluation including direct body evaluation and indirect body evaluation, (3) Feelings and emotions including disgust and hatred, frustration, sadness, shame, envy, fear, approval and satisfaction and (4) Behaviors including lifestyle modifications, beautifying and using make up, extreme dieting, physical inactivity, avoidance behaviors, passive behaviors, aggressive behaviors and social isolation. Findings of the current study provide further information regarding cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects of body image from the perspectives of adolescents in a West-Asian region.