The study used trait-state-occasion TSO models to explore longitudinal personality stability in young adolescents with the onset of depressive symptoms and to quantify time-invariant and time-varying personality components in predicting the course of depressive symptoms. A total of 326 young clinical adolescents were recruited from high schools, and only 290 adolescents (112 boys; 178 girls) were followed up for 4 time points. Personality measures were implemented twice each year with an interval of 6 months, providing four assessment waves (T1 to T4); depression measures were administered at the initial stage (T1) and the third wave (T3), respectively. The results showed that five domains of personality in adolescents with depressive symptoms were largely characterized by the stable trait factor (65%–81%). The average autoregressive effects across the four waves were significant for all Big Five personality domains except openness. Moreover, excluding time-varying variance, conscientiousness, extraversion and agreeableness were negatively associated with T1 depressive symptoms; however, only the latter two domains retained significant relationships in the second year of intervention. An elevated level of neuroticism was consistently associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms over interventions. Trait factors of extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism were associated with depressive symptoms in early adolsecnets, providing some implications for clinical practitioners.