Recognition of pediatric mental health concerns often depends on assessment by parents, educators, and primary care professionals. Therefore, a psychosocial screening instrument suitable for routine use in schools and primary care is needed. The Pediatric Quality of Life (PedsQL) and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) are widely used for screening but lack adolescent-specific mental health measures. MyHEARTSMAP is an instrument assessing aspects of youth psychosocial health via four domains: Psychiatry, Function, Social, and Youth Health. We evaluated MyHEARTSMAP convergent validity with PedsQL and SDQ among 122 child-parent dyads participating in a larger concussion study. Convergent validity was assessed via correlations: MyHEARTSMAP Psychiatry and Function domains correlated strongly (r ≥ 0.44) and Social domain correlated weakly (r ≤ 0.25) to corresponding PedsQL and SDQ subscales, while Youth Health domain correlated moderately (r ≥ 0.31) to the tools’ total scales. In conclusion, MyHEARTSMAP converges with PedsQL and SDQ, and benefits from the inclusion of adolescent-specific psychosocial measures.