This study sought to clarify the relation of anxiety symptoms and suicidal ideation in children and adolescents by examining these variables in the context of depression and negative affect. As outlined in the tripartite model of anxiety and depression, negative affectivity is common to both emotional constructs; therefore negative affectivity may best explain the relation of each to suicidal ideation. Self report measures of generalized anxiety, depression, negative affectivity, and suicidal ideation were assessed in a primarily externalizing sample of children ages 7–18. Results suggested that the relation between anxiety and suicidal ideation was best accounted for by depression, not negative affectivity. Results also suggested that negative affectivity was associated with suicidal ideation but did not account for the relations among anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. Further, depression, negative affect, and anxiety all significantly contributed to the prediction of suicidal ideation scores (r
= .307, p < .01).