Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, the official publication of the Australasian Podiatry Council and The College of Podiatry (UK), is the leading foot and ankle journal. With topical collections on The Rheumatoid Foot and The Diabetic Foot, JFAR is a vital resource for the podiatry and foot health community. As an educational forum, the journal aims to be platform for researchers to develop robust measures for treating foot and ankle diseases and disorders, and likewise for clinicians to improve access to foot care, enabling early detection of disease with the application of effective evidence based interventions.
The Australasian Podiatry Council and the College of Podiatry (UK) have reserve funds to cover the article-processing charge for manuscripts submitted by its members. Society members can email the appropriate contact at Australasian Podiatry Council or The College of Podiatry to obtain the corresponding code to enter on submission.