The one-session treatment (OST) approach for SPs is deemed well-established, and has been found to be highly effective for older children and adults; however, has not yet been trialled with very young children. The present study examines the preliminary effectiveness of play-modified OST for young children with a SP of dogs, using a multiple baseline controlled case series design. Treatment involved play modified one-session of intensive cognitive-behavioural therapy (OST plus Play) which was followed by brief telephone delivered maintenance calls over the 3 weeks immediately following treatment. Four young children (4 years of age) participated and symptoms were assessed at pre-treatment, across a 1–3 week baseline phase, immediately following the OST plus Play, and at 1 and 3 months follow-up. Visual inspection provided evidence for stability of symptoms across the baseline phase, followed by reductions in symptoms over the course of treatment and follow-up. Non-parametric analyses offered further support, with significant improvements in following the intensive OST plus Play intervention.