Although teachers and peers play an important role in shaping students’ engagement, no previous study has directly investigated transactional associations of these classroom-based relationships in adolescence. This study investigated the transactional associations between adolescents’ behavioral engagement, peer status (likeability and popularity), and (positive and negative) teacher–student relationships during secondary education. A large sample of adolescents was followed from Grade 7 to 11 (N = 1116; 49 % female; M age = 13.79 years). Multivariate autoregressive cross-lagged modeling revealed only unidirectional effects from teacher–student relationships and peer status on students’ behavioral engagement. Positive teacher–student relationships were associated with more behavioral engagement over time, whereas negative teacher–student relationships, higher likeability and higher popularity were related to less behavioral engagement over time. We conclude that teachers and peers constitute different sources of influence, and play independent roles in adolescents’ behavioral engagement.