The patient-reported outcomes measurement information system 29-item profile (PROMIS-29 v2.0) is a widely used health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measure. Summary scores for physical and mental HRQoL have recently been developed for the PROMIS-29 using a general population. Our purpose was to adapt these summary scores to a population of older adults with multiple chronic conditions.
We collected the PROMIS-29 v2.0 for 1359 primary care patients age 65+ with at least 2 of 13 chronic conditions. PROMIS-29 has 7 domains, plus a single-item pain intensity scale. We used exploratory factor analysis (EFA), followed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), to examine the number of factors that best captured these eight scores. We used previous results from a recent study by Hays et al. (Qual Life Res 27:1885–1891, 2018) to standardize scoring coefficients, normed to the general population.
The mean age was 80.7, and 67% of participants were age 80 or older. Our results indicated a 2-factor solution, with these factors representing physical and mental HRQoL, respectively. We call these factors the physical health score (PHS) and the mental health score (MHS). We normed these summary scores to the general US population. The mean MHS for our population of was 50.1, similar to the US population, while the mean PHS was 42.2, almost a full standard deviation below the US population.
We describe the adaptation of physical and mental health summary scores of the PROMIS-29 for use with a population of older adults with multiple chronic conditions.