This study examined the efficacy of an online 8-week mindfulness-based therapeutic parenting group (MTPG) intervention for Chinese parents with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
Adapted from a previous mindful parenting curriculum, the MTPG intervention integrated self-regulation practices in moments of emotional arousal and responding skills to the inner child to develop self-nurturing abilities. A randomized controlled trial was conducted to examine the efficacy of the MTPG compared with a waitlist control group that was provided with brief self-learning materials. Seventy-eight parents who were currently facing parenting problems with at least one ACE report were randomized into two groups. Parenting stress, emotional symptoms, and mindful parenting were measured pre- and post-intervention.
Compared with those in the waitlist control group, the parents in the MTPG showed significant decreases in parenting stress (d = 0.74, p < 0.01) and significant improvements in emotional awareness of mindful parenting (d = 0.54, p < 0.05). Our findings also showed a possible ACE × group interaction effect: The parents with four or more ACEs may experience higher levels of emotional symptoms and stress after MTPG participation compared with the MTPG parents with low levels of ACEs.
These results show the preliminary efficacy and feasibility of the MTPG for parents with ACEs. In addition, parents with different levels of ACEs may respond to the intervention differently. Future studies should identify the mechanisms through which participants’ ACE levels moderate their response to group interventions.
Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR2100044304).