Prevalence of plantar ulcer
The burden of plantar ulcer in leprosy is always considered high but to the best of our knowledge its magnitude has not been reported and systematically studied. This systematic review summarised the current literature on the prevalence of plantar ulcer. From the eight studies included in the review the pooled prevalence of plantar ulcer among those at risk (loss of sensation in the foot) was 34% and among all people affected by leprosy it was 7%. As we expected, there was high variation between the studies included in the review. In the sub-group analysis based on risk of bias, the pooled prevalence almost remained same (Figs.
2 and
3). However, the confidence interval for the prevalence estimated among those at risk of ulcer was wider in studies with low to moderate risk of bias as compared to studies with high risk of bias. Whereas, in the pooled prevalence of ulcer among all those affected by leprosy, the confidence interval was wider for those studies with high risk of bias as compared to studies with low to moderate risk of bas. The main reason for excluding studies from the review was the lack of reporting of the size of the denominator population, so we could not calculate the prevalence.
The estimated pooled prevalence of plantar ulcer could perhaps be slightly higher than actual burden in the population as seven out of eight studies included were based in tertiary hospital for leprosy where people with advanced diseases are treated. Overall, there is a decreasing trend in the prevalence of ulcer over a time based on the included studies. However, the decreasing trend observed may not reflect the actual burden of patients with ulcers in the community which is not known. It is likely that the burden could be considerably higher due to cumulative number of patients over the decades with loss of sensation in the feet who are at risk of ulcer [
3]. Also, the recurrent nature of the foot ulcer will further add to the burden. None of the included studies reported incidence of the ulcer or severity of the ulcer in terms of its size. Nevertheless, the estimated prevalence may serve as baseline for studying the effectiveness of the self-care program aimed at reducing the prevalence of the ulcer. Data on severity of ulcer would be an essential component of the evaluation of self-care intervention as it will not only reduce the prevalence of ulcer but also promote healing of ulcer where change in its size will serve as an outcome [
Risk factors for developing plantar ulcer
Understanding the factors associated with plantar ulcers in leprosy is an essential step towards identifying those at high risk of ulcers for targeted preventive and curative intervention. The earliest discussions of the development of plantar ulcer emphasized that: (1) ulcers are not random and each ulcer has its own patho-mechanics, (2) ulcers start as blisters over areas of necrosis and (3) the ulcers develop because of infection through penetrating wound or infection of deep cracks and because of the stresses over the plantar tissues while walking leading to ulcers [
44]. The first point demands the better understanding of those at risk of ulcer for the effective intervention. The current literature categorizes risk factors as pre-disposing factors (sensory loss, loss of sweating and foot deformities), pre-ulcerative conditions (corns, callus, fissures, blisters and haematoma) and direct causes (trauma, high shearing stress and high plantar pressure) that lead to plantar ulcers [
46]. But this categorization of risk factors does not help identify those at risk of ulcer and provide appropriate intervention to prevent from ulcer development. As a result, patients are rarely seen at the early stage of the ulcers in the routine practice. For example, when patient present with loss of sensation (inability to feel 10 g of force) and pronated foot and increased plantar pressure over medial three meta-tarsal heads, they are likely to develop ulcer over pressure area. For such foot provision of medial arch support would help offload a pressure area and thus prevent from ulcer development. In the past unsuccessfully attempts has been made to determine those at risk of developing plantar [
37]. In this review we attempted to identify those factor or combination factors that can identify those at risk of developing ulcers.
Among demographic factors, advanced age appears to be increasing the risk of plantar ulcers. The possible explanation could be that in the advanced age there is an alteration in the foot structure and function with the foot becoming flat and pronated. When coupled with loss of sensation, this could lead to excessive pressure in the forefoot resulting in ulcer [
47]. Increased age also was associated with a longer duration of disease / impairments, which could further increase the risk of plantar ulcer [
33]. This observation is consistent with evidence on diabetic foot ulcers, where the occurrence of ulcer was higher among those 50 years and above [
Men with leprosy disproportionately develop plantar ulcers [
33]. The incidence of leprosy is higher among males than females [
50], hence the complications including ulcer could be higher among male. The male predisposition is also observed in diabetes foot ulcer [
52]. Possibly, men do more walking and rigorous physical activity for their social role as earning member as compared to female [
53]. Unemployment and poor socio-economic status was associated with developing ulcers but their role is not clear [
33]. However, this study was the case-control design limiting the inference of causality and it is possible that leprosy and its complications like ulcer can cause stigma and limit ability to work which can lead to poor socio-economic status therefore, here the direction of causality is unclear. Prospective investigation could better explain the role of these factors.
Among clinical factors, inability to feel monofilament of 7 g force is found to be a most sensitive (97%) and specific (100%) predictor of ulcer development, the sensitivity increases to 100% when one is unable to feel 10 g of force. Inability to feel 10 g of force is considered loss of protective sensation, hence increasing the risk of ulcer [
54]. It is important to note here that high sensitivity of 7 g may indicate that those with some sensation do develop ulcers and by the time patient’s ability to feel 10 g could be too late to prevent ulcers. It is possible that patients may have protective sensation but impaired temperature sensation; unable to feel warm and cold, which could also lead to ulcer. Impaired warm sensation precedes in the sub-section of the people affected by leprosy even before the (touch) sensory loss is clinically evident when tested using monofilaments [
55]. Nonetheless, the validity of using a monofilament for testing protective sensation has been established well in a large cohort study [
8]. Leprosy programs still use a ballpoint pen to test the sensation instead of monofilaments in routine leprosy clinics which could be too late to prevent ulceration [
56]. The loss of vibration sensation was found to be associated with risk for ulcer [
37]. However, the low sensitivity could be due to qualitative method than quantitative to determine the loss of vibration perception.
Among seven studies included in the review two studies reported biomechanical factors where the pronated or hyper-pronated foot were associated with increased plantar pressure particularly when measured in-shoe and barefoot was associated with ulcer [
39]. The evidence suggest that increased peak plantar pressures lead to tissue breakdown overtime causing ulcer in both leprosy and diabetic foot ulcers [
58]. The cumulative activity level was not associated with the risk of ulcer, indicating that the risk is likely to be a combination of foot structure and function than the activity level alone. The simple podiatry assessments [
59] can identify foot alignment which can indicate abnormal plantar pressure distribution in the foot [
60]. The podiatry assessment in routine clinical practice can help not only to identify person at risk of ulcer but also help determine podiatric intervention which will reduce the impact of high plantar pressures [
62]. The podiatry interventions are found to be effective in reducing the plantar ulcers in diabetes [
63] but are least utilised in leprosy. The prospective studies are needed to determine the role of biomechanical factors in identifying person at risk of ulcer for a focused podiatry intervention.
History of previous ulceration as risk of future ulcers is not reported in leprosy, but found to be a strong predictor of ulcer in diabetes [
64]. None reported the duration of disease, lifestyle, body mass index which are likely to contribute along with neuropathy, foot structure and function.
It is important note from the included studies that each study looked at specific categories of risk factors, either demographic and/or clinical variables or bio-mechanical factors. The risk of ulcer is likely to be combination various factors that needs to be investigated in a prospective study.