ISOQOL’s Australia and New Zealand Special Interest Group (ISOQOL ANZ SIG) connects local researchers and clinicians in a geographically remote region of the world. Members of our ANZ SIG have been conducting a review following COSMIN (COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments) guidance, which outlines a comprehensive process to critically evaluate the properties of outcome measurement instruments, including patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). Our experience has highlighted challenges for undertaking this type of review, notably a lack of consistency in how COSMIN guidance is applied and reported. In this Letter to the Editor, members of the ANZ SIG leadership discuss the PRISMA-COSMIN for Outcome Measurement Instruments; a new guideline developed to support and improve reporting of systematic reviews of outcome measurement instruments. We explore the potential of this guidance to improve how systematic reviews of PROMs are conducted and reported, from the perspective of a regional SIG.