This study investigated the association between psychiatric symptoms and polydrug use, school violence, and sociodemographic factors among Brazilian early adolescents. Using the baseline data collection from the effectiveness evaluation of PROERD, a school-based drug use prevention program, implemented in 30 public schools in São Paulo (n = 2316, M age = 12.3 years, 48.5% girls), multinomial logistic regressions were performed using Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) subscales as response variables, and polydrug use, school violence, and sociodemographic characteristics as explanatory variables. In most SDQ subscales, girls and older students were more likely to have psychiatric symptoms. A positive association was identified between polydrug use and psychiatric symptoms. It was found that those who suffered and perpetrated physical violence had a greater likelihood of presenting psychiatric symptoms. Preventive interventions should consider the greater vulnerability related to the mental health of girls, older students, and those who suffer and perpetrate physical violence at school.