Approximately 3–4 boys for every girl meet the clinical criteria
for autism in studies of community diagnostic patterns and studies of autism using
samples of convenience. However, girls with autism have been hypothesized to be
underdiagnosed, possibly because they may present with differing symptom profiles as
compared to boys. This secondary data analysis used the National Database of Autism
Research (NDAR) to examine how gender and symptom profiles are associated with one
another in a gold standard assessment of autism symptoms, the Autism Diagnostic
Observation Schedule II (ADOS-II; Lord, C., Luyster, R., Guthrie, W., &
Pickles A. (2012a). Patterns of developmental trajectories in toddlers with autism
spectrum disorder.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical
80(3):477–489. Epub 2012 Apr
16. PMID: 22506796, PMCID: PMC3365612). ADOS-II scores from 6183 children ages
6–14 years from 78 different studies in the NDAR indicated that gender was a
significant predictor of total algorithm, restrictive and repetitive behavioral, and
social communicative difficulties composite severity scores. These findings suggest
that gender differences in ADOS scores are common in many samples and may reflect on
current diagnostic practices.